Jaeger / Distributed Tracing

Below are some commonly used configuration options for Kiali’s Jaeger integration for Tracing.

For advanced tracing integration, you can also refer to the Kiali CR external_services.tracing section. For Helm installations, it is valid for the config map as well.

In-Cluster URL

In order to fully integrate with Jaeger, Kiali needs a URL that can be resolved from inside the cluster, typically using Kubernetes DNS. This is the in_cluster_url configuration. For instance, for a Jaeger service named tracing, within istio-system namespace, Kiali config would be:

      in_cluster_url: 'http://tracing.istio-system/jaeger'

External URL

When not using an In-Cluster configuration, Kiali can be configuring with an external URL. This can be useful, for example, if Jaeger is not accessible from the Kiali pod. Doing so will enable links from Kiali to the Jaeger UI. This URL needs to be accessible from the browser (it’s used for links generation). Example:

      in_cluster_url: 'http://tracing.istio-system/jaeger'
      url: 'http://my-jaeger-host/jaeger'

Once this URL is set, Kiali will show an additional item to the main menu:

Distributed Tracing View

Last modified October 13, 2021 : Features: Detail (#424) (742ad379)